October 2018

Y u no blog?!

Y u no blog?!

Wow. This has been a while. A long while. Five months to be precise. But don’t worry, I will blog more regularly from now on! However, I may need to explain where I’ve been all this time…

Busy saving the Dodo from extinction…

About 6 months ago I started a new job. After working with the company I’d worked for for over 10 years it was time for a change. The agency I’m working for now does a lot of design related stuff, so if you’re reading this then you probably know that’s straight up my alley.

Another one of the reasons I haven’t blogged a lot is that I got into a bit of a writer’s block. Obviously, a lot of stuff goes on in this techie world that we spend our days in. However, sometimes I simply don’t want to blog about something that is probably blogged about 1000 times over already. If I run into a problem that took me a lot of time to fix, surely I’ll write up a blog. Especially if I found the solution somewhere in a dark, long forgotten corner of the internet. But talking about e.g. new features announced at a conference or something like that is just not that interesting for me to blog about.

Busy building a time machine…

So… What does someone with a writer’s block do? Write more obviously. One of the biggest reasons I have not spent a lot of time on this blog is the fact that my good friend Gerald Versluis and me were busy writing a book! 

Solutions in the book are organized into problem domains such as the user interface for applications, data and security, connectivity and external services, and more. Over the years we’ve picked up a lot of knowledge regarding Xamarin.Forms and we hope that we managed to bundle that in this book, which is now available on Amazon.com :)

So what now?

Since the book is pretty much written that frees up some more time to spend writing some blogs. Content-wise I’ll be looking to write some more articles on my passion: creating awesome UIs in Xamarin.Forms. Check out this parallax carousel I’ve been playing around with recently. I will be writing up a companion article for that one soon. 

One more thing…

To my own amazement I received a totally unexpected e-mail on October 1st. I am now officially a Microsoft MVP! Obviously I was aware I was nominated but that was over a year ago. It hadn’t even crossed my mind anymore that it was the first day of the month and new MVPs would be announced. Either way, I’m very grateful to have received this honor and aim to keep it! :)

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