Hi, I'm Steven Thewissen. Nice to meet you 👋

Pancake aficionado from the Netherlands.

Get to know me! /ˈSTIːVƏN TEIːWISːSƐN/
Steven Thewissen's Picture

Travel broadens the mind...

They say that seeing new places can work wonders for your creativity. I’ve recently gone on a trip to Seattle, visiting th...

Creating an encyclopedia page in Xamarin.Forms

If you frequent this blog you probably know I like creating cool-looking stuff in Xamarin.Forms. Since that’s what I like ...

Xamarin.Forms in Space!

As you may have seen from reading other content on this blog I dabble in the world of cryptocurrency. To help me on my pos...

Creating a parallax carousel in Xamarin.Forms

A while ago I wrote a small tutorial on creating a simple carousel for your Xamarin.Forms app. That post also showed off a...

Y u no blog?!

Wow. This has been a while. A long while. Five months to be precise. But don’t worry, I will blog more regularly from now ...

Performing a binding redirect in Azure Functions

I’ve blogged about Azure Functions before and have speaken highly of it as well. While diving deeper into them there are d...

Creating a simple but good-looking app tutorial

A lot of apps currently in stores have some sort of walkthrough or tutorial screen that walks you through the basic functi...

Wireless Deployment of Xamarin apps to your iOS devices

If you’re anything like me you probably have an iPhone cable near you at all times when working on a Xamarin app. It will ...

A farewell to our beloved Xamarin Insights?

In October of 2014 Xamarin announced one of their new flagship products: Xamarin Insights, a real-time monitoring system t...